Welcome to Daguerreobase
Daguerreobase is an online application designed to contain detailed information about daguerreotypes. Members can view, edit and store records of individual daguerreotypes and establish relations to other records based on a wide range of characteristics. This includes collections, owners, creators, hallmarks, housing models, sizes, materials and descriptions.
Some of the currently represented collections
Bergen City Museum; FotoMuseum Provincie Antwerpen; Museo Universidad de Navarra; Biblioteca Panizzi, Reggio Emilia; Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague; National Media Museum, Bradford; Musée Gruérien, Bulle; Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam; Agence Roger-Viollet, Paris; Albertina, Wien; The Royal Collection Trust; Finnish Museum of Photography; Oslo Museum; private collections and others.
In the context of the project we have created the Daguerreotype Journal. This quarterly publication is a free-access browsable multimedia online journal. The aim of the review is to share and promote the international cultural and visual heritage of daguerreotypes by presenting a variety of themes which will deal with daguerreotype images and the daguerreotype itself. The Daguerreotype Journal is published by EDA (European Daguerreotype Association), an international non-profit association of photography enthusiasts, with a special interest in the history and the art of the daguerreotype. The EDA intends to deal with the expansion and maintenance of Daguerreobase after the end of the project (October 2015).
Currently, members of the Daguerreobase project are constantly adding new records into the database. Daguerreobase is a knowledge base for everyone interested in Europe’s diverse cultural heritage. We are still looking for undiscovered daguerreotypes. We invite you to share your treasures in a secure digital environment. If you wish to add your daguerreotype to the Daguerreobase, contact us at Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. .
The project is partially funded under the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme by the European Community (http://ec.europa.eu/ict_psp).
Daguerreobase: Sharing Europe’s Earliest Photographs
Leaflet about our project.