PD2013.136 |
Seibold |
portrait porträt gruppenporträt familienporträt mann frau baby mädchen tochter vater mutter geschwister sitzende figur stehende figur ehe/verheiratetes paar |
VM 026682 |
Lohsen (Eltern) |
portrait parent baby |
PD1908.126 |
Kabisch, Kabisch, Gustav |
portrait porträt doppelporträt halbfiguriges porträt frau baby sitzende figur kopfbedeckung haube mutter sohn |
E03 |
portrait baby holding hands |
L179 |
Pauck, Theodor, Pauck, Eleonore, Pauck, Georg |
portrait young couple baby |
WL002602 |
portrait mother baby porträt mutter kind korkenzieherlocken corkscrew curls |
1951/4c |
Avé Lattement, Meta |
portrait woman bonnet baby covered in blanket |
1951/4d |
Avé Lattement, Meta, Avé Lattement, Emma |
portrait woman bonnet baby covered in blanket |
PD1912.102 |
Krüß, Hugo |
portrait porträt baby junge sitzende figur ganzfiguriges porträt |
PD2013.194 |
portrait porträt frau baby doppelporträt |
PD1912.89 |
Krüß, Agathe (b. Bauer), Bauer, Hugo |
portrait porträt frau mutter sohn baby halbfiguriges porträt doppelporträt sitzende figur |
KAD R 01/05 |
portrait porträt family familie woman frau parent eltern mother mutter child kind baby dress kleid chair stuhl |
1990-5036/13717 |
girl boy young baby trumpet musical instrument tambourine vine grape hat dress stump marble sculpture basket tub |
238 |
woman family mother child dress short sleeve baby collar brooch hand coloured centre partings tartan checked fabric shoe sock chair |
WL002570 |
portrait baby nanny kindermädchen porträt kleinkind hut hat frau schwarze woman hidden vogel weintrauben bird grape weinrebe |
WL002742 |
portrait mother baby porträt mutter baby |
AT-Fo-114 |
portrait familienporträt family portrait mann frau kinder sitzend seated baby schultertuch thurn taxis |
WL002573 |
portrait mother baby porträt brestfeeding mutter stillend |
PD1913.128 |
Schmidt, Otto |
portrait porträt junge baby sitzende figur ganzfiguriges porträt |
PD1909.136 |
portrait porträt ganzfiguriges porträt baby kind |
B21998/42:7 |
portrait woman mother postmortem baby |
PT-dag-005 |
pannotype post-mortem baby |
GF-26036 |
woman girl baby child jewelry fuzziness |
1943,52 |
Wehl, Marianne |
woman child baby boy dress shoes lace collar lace cuffs ribbons side buns centre parting chair checks |
1927,45 |
Peters, Wilhelmine, Peters, Bertha |
woman baby lace collar collar cuffs dress cap neckace painted landscape painted backdrop |
1934,165 |
Hebich, Carl |
man woman children famiy baby boy girl side parting centre parting uniform epaulettes buttons gloves moustache furniture cap bonnet collar checks tartan fingerless gloves dress shirt waistcoat jacket shoes painted backdrop |
1945,87 |
Goverts, Hermann Friedrich, Goverts, Emilia, Goverts, Ernst Friedrich |
man woman baby boy boy dress checks head support jacket watch chain high collar bow tie side parting centre parting side buns dress braid collars bow lace cuffs |
1945,62 |
Merck, Emily Marianne |
baby gown sleeping bed backdrop |
1943,51 |
Wehl, Marianne, Wehl, Olga |
woman baby centre parting collar cuffs ribbons brooch dress shoes painted backdrop |
1943,53 |
Wehl, Marianne |
woman centre parting baby boy dress dress striped fabric cuffs collar chair table |
PD1905.20 |
Stelzner, Emil, Anna |
portrait porträt frau kindermädchen baby doppelporträt stehende figur armhaltungen gesten historische person halbfiguriges porträt |
PD1910.189 |
portrait porträt frau kindermädchen baby doppelporträt kopfbedeckung sitzende figur |
PD1912.123 |
Reuter, Gottlob Christian, Reuter, Elise (b. Trummer) |
portrait porträt baby mann frau mädchen eltern kind gruppenporträt sitzende figur stehende figur familie verwandtschaft abstammung |
PD2013.225 |
portrait porträt vater mann mutter frau gruppenporträt baby kind sitzende figur |
FH 00462 |
portrait baby |
FH 00467 |
portrait baby post-mortem |
FH 00484 |
portrait woman baby |
RLB_84_1786 |
mother baby brooch column baby frontal portrait |
ICCD_FB_4888 |
baby post-mortem portrait |
ICCD_FB_4076 |
Ghirlandaio |
painting reproduction baby madonna and child |
RLB_70_1822 |
baby brocade armchair cotton frock infant raised arms |
RLB_123_124_1872 |
pocket watch locket couple with child mother baby man |
F39947 |
seated lady baby portrait woman |
RLB_129_1768 |
portrait mother baby baby dotted dress hands |
KAD R 01/12 |
Goldschmidt-Lind, Otto |
portrait porträt family familie man mann parent eltern father vater child kind baby dress kleid chair stuhl |
TSD D 00021 |
Biewend, Helene, Biewend, Eduard |
porträt portrait intimate privat family familie woman frau smile lächeln child kind baby jewelry schmuck dress kleid plaid kariert landscape landschaft |
1990-5036/DD/14 |
Quincey, Thomas de |
woman man baby family drawing artwork |
PD74 |
family group portrait man woman girls baby baby dress cap jacket stock waistcoat checked fabric top hat hat trousers bonnet dresses skirt bodice collar shoes door column chairs |
NPG D17967 |
Aldridge, Ira |
print copy column man actor robe sword baby urn balustrade |
D 98 |
Draper, Anne Frances |
portrait child baby |