Three-quarter length portrait of a seated young man, looking to his right. Painted background with a landscape is behind him. He has short blonde and wavy hair and a dark uniform with buttons, white shirt, a cravat and dark trousers. He sits on an ornate upholstered sofa with carved armrest and he reclines against a sofa, while his right hand rests in his lap. A curtain is behind to his left.
uniform; three quarter portrait; curtain; sofa; button; painted background; cravat
Three-quarter length portrait of a seated young man, looking to his right. Painted background with a landscape is behind him. He has short blonde and wavy hair and a dark uniform with buttons, white shirt, a cravat and dark trousers. He sits on an ornate upholstered sofa with carved armrest and he reclines against a sofa, while his right hand rests in his lap. A curtain is behind to his left.
Subject name
J. Weninger Peintre de Portraits. Grande Morskoi, maison Person No 37.
Keyword technique
Stereo plates
Window size
102 mm / 4.02 inch
76 mm / 2.99 inch
Housing size
170 mm / 6.69 inch
133 mm / 5.24 inch
6 mm / 0.24 inch
Window shape
Housing shape
Estonian History Museum, Estonia
Estonian History Museum (Eesti Ajaloomuuseum) – Pirita tee 56, 10127 Tallinn, Estonia. Phone +372 6869654, E-mail The photographic collection of the Estonian History Museum includes negatives and prints, ambrotypes, autochromes and other techniques of photographic reproduction. The true rarities of the collection are its five daguerreotypes as well as the collection of salted paper prints dating from the mid-19th century.
Weninger, Joseph
Josephus Ernestus Weninger, geboren in Zellnitz, Untersteiermark (Selnica, Slowenien), studiert ab 1826 Porträtmalerei an der Akademie der Künste in Wien, reist 1841 als Miniaturmaler durch Böhmen, lernt in Karlsbad vermutlich bei Anton Martin das Daguerreotypieren, bietet im September 1841 erstmals Porträts in Prag an, 1842 in Leipzig, Dresden, Hamburg und Kopenhagen, wo er die königliche Familie ablichtet, nach einem Aufenthalt in Helsingør arbeitet er wieder in Kopenhagen und beteiligt sich im April 1843 mit Daguerreotypien an der Kunstausstellung im Schloß Charlottenburg, reist im Sommer 1843 nach Stockholm, bietet auch dort Daguerreotypien an, reist mit seinem Bruder Heinrich weiter über Finnland nach St. Petersburg, wo beide ein Atelier eröffnen, porträtiert Ende 1855 die Zarenfamilie, Ende 1857 wird das Atelier aufgegeben. (Quelle: Uwe Steen, “Joseph und Heinrich Weninger. Reisende Daguerreotypisten aus Österreich“, in: Fotogeschichte, Heft 70, 18. Jg., 1998, 3-19.)
Light blue paper label on the backing paper of support, beneath the fold out support strut: „J. Weninger Peintre de Portraits. Grande Morskoi, maison Person No 37.“
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