Work Packages
Article Index
- Work Packages
- WP1: Project management
- WP2: Awareness, dissemination and networking activities
- WP3: Best practice and standards description
- WP4: Renewed Daguerreobase and service delivery
- WP5: Content aggregation and aligning with Europeana
- WP6: Project performance and evaluation
- WP6: Project performance and evaluation
- WP7: Long term sustainability and IPR Issues
- All Pages
On next pages you will see an overview of the 7 Work Packes (WP) that make up this project:
WP1: Project management
- WP1includes the general management en coordination tasks to realise the project. The aim of this work package is to:
- Manage the project in an efficient way, and facilitate the coordination between the work package leaders and all consortium partners;
- Evaluate the project progress in respect to the defined project objectives, budget, resources and time;
- Maintain and manage administrative and financial aspects of the project in accordance with the requirements of the grant agreement between the Commission and the project consortium;
- Promote activities and exchange information between the members of the consortium;
- Coordinate the project activities with other projects on national and international level.
Description of work
The administrative management tasks of the project activities are described in section „B3.2c. Project management‟, and will be executed in respect to good management methods and procedures. To ensure good management, the Work Package leader will produce a detailed project quality plan by the end of the third month. The different tasks in this work package are described as administrative tasks. Administrative tasks include: the production and acceptance of the Consortium Agreement by all partners; the keeping of records, financial accounts and distribution of financial contributions; the production of periodic progress reports and the preparation of EC project reviews.
The project coordinator is also the Chairman of the Board Management Team and will represent the consortium in all communication to and with the EC. At the start of the project, there will be a PMB meeting at month 1 (kick-off), month 3 (workshop Paris), and month 6. From then on, the PMB will meet every 6 months.
- D1.1 Project Quality Plan. This plan determines the project communication and organisation strategies. It will describe the decision-making processes and the communication with the consortium partners. The plan will also define actions to be taken to minimise the risk and problems. (Month 3)
- D1.2 First Periodic Project Progress Report. The first biannual progress report. (Month 6)
- D1.3 Annual Project Report, including financial statement. This annual project report will describe a summary of the realised activities described in the work packages and include a financial statement of the past period. (Month 12)
- D1.4 Second Project Progress Report. The second biannual progress report. (Month 18)
- D1.5 Second Annual Project Report, including financial statement . (Month 24)
- D1.6 Final Project Report. This final project report will document the realised objectives and the implementation of them. It will also show the results of the impact and describe the strategies of future actions to ensure the long term sustainability. (Month 30)
- D1.7 Final Financial Project Report. The financial report will document all expenses in relation to the realised project objectives on partner level and during the entire project run-time. (Month 30)
WP2: Awareness, dissemination and networking activities
WP2 includes the awareness, dissemination and networking activities of the project. The activities described in this work package will result in multilingual information on how to participate in a European network, supported by Europeana, and how to recognise the daguerreotype medium. The aim of this work package is to:
- Create awareness of the benefits of making information and descriptions available on a European level, as well from private as from institutional collections, resulting in an increased number of qualitative descriptions and digital available historical resources.
- Create opportunities and a European forum for the further project development.
- Increase the number of partners of the consortium resulting in a more wide-spread network,
- covering all parts of Europe.
Description of work
All partners will cooperate in this work package by paying attention to the dissemination and promotional activities of the project. They will contribute by informing a broad public with information about Europeana and the Daguerreobase project. This must result in at least 5 new institutional partners and editing of 20 private collections.

The work package leader will develop a dissemination plan with two parts. The first part will focus on short term activities to create awareness and the distribution of information and will be presented at a consortium best practice meeting at the beginning of the third month of the project runtime. The second part will focus on other activities and the final version of this plan will be presented at a consortium best practise meeting at the beginning of the sixth month of the project runtime.
A selection of partners will develop and organise at least four awareness raising meetings (Month 11) and a Daguerreotype Workshop (Month 3) program with content.
In 2009, the FoMu and NFM published an informative folder on the daguerreotype. This folder has to be translated in several European languages and will be published as a paper booklet that will be spread by the partners, and set available for free as a digital (pdf) document on the partners‟ and the Daguerreobase websites (Month 4).
The current Daguerreobase structure will be modified and improved. The renewed Daguerreobase will be ready at the end of Month 11 (WP4) ; meanwhile the website will serve the partners and the broad public with a communication tool (blog) to inform about the Europeana portal and the progress of the daguerreotype project. A daguerreotype newsletter or journal will be published on the website on a 4- monthly base, starting from Month 12.
After the improvement of the website structure, the Daguerreobase website will function as an aggregator and multilingual platform interacting with the Europeana portal and serve the public and institutes with daguerreotype object descriptions, historical literature and references, as well as information of activities and events in relation to the daguerreotype medium.
The invention of the daguerreotype was announced on January 7, 1839 in Paris by Jacques Arago. In 2014 the photography community will celebrate this 175th anniversary, we will contribute to this event by the presentation of a Europeana Virtual Daguerreotype Exhibition, in which a selection of European Daguerreotype Masterpieces will be shown. This selection of Masterpieces will also made visible in a live exhibition, in one of the consortium partners location. We currently think on the coordinators location, the Fotomuseum Provincie Antwerpen. (Month 27-30)
- D2.1 Action plan for enrolling new partners. (Month 3)
- D2.2 Dissemination Plan, part one. (Month 3)
- D2.3 Informative booklets in at least 9 European languages. (Month 4)
- D2.4 Dissemination Plan, part two. (Month 6)
- D2.5 First issue of the 4-monthly Daguerreotype Journal. (Month 12, 16, 20, 24, 28) D2.6 Europeana Virtual Daguerreotype Masterpieces Exhibition. (Month 23)
- D2.7 Europeana Live Daguerreotype Masterpieces Exhibition. (Month 27-30)
WP3: Best practice and standards description
WP 3 include best practice consensus building tasks and aims to:
- Establish a best practice with a shared vision on the proposed digital resources and conceptual models and to reach a consensus on the large scale implementation activities and achieve a successful project result in general;
- Ensure that all participants‟ expertise will be improved to a same level of knowledge and understanding;
- Identify the most appropriate metadata model for Europeana, agree on the outlining process to establish and integrate the chosen model into Europeana, and adopt the model for the general descriptive metadata;
- Establish an appropriate set of community metadata standards for the description of daguerreotype objects;
- Establish an appropriate community standard for the digitization process of daguerreotype objects including imaging and preservation modalities;
- Implement a set of existing/modified or newly developed multilingual thesauri or entries lists for the description of daguerreotype objects.
Description of work
WP3 is responsible for the best practice and consensus building activities on agreeing the adoption of standard description and digitization of daguerreotype objects and the implementation of thesauri or entries lists.
Best practice
The first two tasks will be realised by organising at least two best practise workshops during the first half year of the project runtime. In this workshop that should be attended by all partners, the participants will be informed about the global project strategy in terms of best practise and the specific tasks to realise the project outcomes. The WP leader will develop, in cooperation with the other WP leaders, a Best Practise program and content. This Best Practice program will be presented at the first BP Workshop (Month 3). This BP Workshop will be part of the Daguerreotype Workshop, programmed in Paris.
Image content description
To identify the most appropriate metadata model, the consortium participants will:
- Explore existing metadata models and schemes applied locally by the participants, and their interoperability across archives, libraries and museums (thumbnails, low res scans, video leaders, etc.), including the production of surrogates+
- Evaluate the potential value of the models to benefit a richer metadata delivery to Europeana;
- Identify the appropriate model in terms of interoperability and transformation to other models and with EDM;
- Evaluate the ability to support complex and rich metadata sets; o Outline the process establishment, integration and validation.
This has to result in the adoption of an existing technical descriptive standard for the general description of the daguerreotype content. As mentioned before, while the LIDO model developed by the ATHENA project is a clear candidate, there are several other options. (Month 8)

Object description
To describe the very complex structure of a daguerreotype object (plate and housing), we will use the same approach as described for the image content description. Instead of exploring an existing standard, we will fall back on the current Daguerreobase structure wherein all aspects of this complex housing is already defined. Most probably, the underlying technical metadata model for the image content description can be applied.
The result of this task is the adoption and use of a set of community metadata standards for the appropriate description and conservation of daguerreotype objects. (Month 8)
Object digital reproduction
In order to deliver the proper digital surrogates, including their technical metadata, the consortium partners has to develop a logical workflow for the realisation of them. This workflow does include a description of the digitization actions (reproducing) and parameters, the documentation of the digitization and the conservation of the generated metadata. The results will be made available as a standard for the digitization of daguerreotype objects. (Month 8).
Multilingual set(s) of entries list or thesaurus.
To facilitate the uniform description of the many aspects of the daguerreotype objects, WP3 will also provide a multilingual reference terminology and for daguerreotypes and an environment to create and evolve that terminology in permanent compliancy with Europeana in fifteen different languages. (Month 8) The Daguerreobase (set of) entries lists or thesaurus will be a key output from the best practice work in this work-package. Several approaches are possible, including the construction of a terminology “from scratch” and the use or adaptation of an existing (free) terminology.
This work will be done in the context of the European Metadata Registry ISO/IEC 11179, Information Technology -- Metadata registries (MDR) . (Framework, Classification, Registry metamodel and basic attributes, Formulation of data definition, Naming and identification principles, Registration.)
Along with the management and publication of controlled vocabularies, the Terminology Registry will allow for terminologies encoded in different formats to be imported, namely coded in SKOS and OWL.
The issue of language will also be addressed in this WP - consensus is required regarding the use of a reference language. The technological partner PIM will pay attention to the technical aspects towards multilingualism and give feedback about this into this WP.
All the outcomes of these activities will be used to be integrated in the structure of the renewed Daguerreobase platform (WP4) and to ensure optimal harmonization and full interoperability with the Europeana portal. All standards and guidelines will be available online on the Daguerreobase platform.
The WP leader will produce and present a draft version of all standards and thesauri/entries lists at the 2nd BP Workshop (Month 6, third BMP meeting).
- D3.1 Best Practice program. (Month 3)
- D3.2 A technical standard for the general description of daguerreotypes content, draft and final version. (Month 6 and 8)
- D3.3 A community standard for the description of daguerreotype objects, draft and final version. (Month 6 and 8)
- D3.4 A community standard for the digitisation of daguerreotype objects. Draft and final version (Month 6 and 8)
- D3.5 A multilingual set of thesauri or entries list for the description of daguerreotype objects. Draft and final version (Month 6 and 8)
WP4: Renewed Daguerreobase and service delivery
WP 4 will include all tasks related to the renewal of the existing Daguerreobase to:
- Provide a suitable infrastructure for a metadata aggregator for historical and contemporary daguerreotypes that:
- Is complementary and interoperates with Europeana
- Will enable access to a critical amount of descriptions of significant cultural heritage
- Will enhance the quality of new and existing content for Europeana
- Will enable improved search ability and retrieve ability
- Will improve semantic interoperability, multilingual and cross-language searching
- Will improve services
Input from all partners is required on the structure and functionality of the Daguerreobase platform.
Description of work
This work will be executed by the technical partner in accordance with the outcomes of the WP 3 tasks on standards and multilingual sets of thesauri/entries lists and the Community requirements and comments in order to the proposed structure and functionality. In the above chapter B3.2.a. Chosen approach, Improvement of the database structure and service delivery (WP4), the requirements and functionalities as proposed by PIM are described in detail. PIM will present a roadmap with a brief description of the development activities in order to the project progress at the first BP Workshop / meeting and to the PBM (Month 3, second PBM meeting). All partners can/will give feedback to PIM. With this comments and information, PIM can start to develop a first concept of the new Daguerreobase.
This concept will be presented at the second BP Workshop to all partners (Month 6, third PBM meeting). Again, all partners can/will give feedback and remarks. PIM will receive the draft versions of all standards and thesauri/entries lists at the same meeting. Together with the remarks of all partners, PIM can proceed with the further development of the Daguerreobase.
The first release (Month 8) will be tested by eDAVID, resulting in a first acceptance report. (Month 9)
The second release (Month 10) will be tested by eDAVID, resulting in a second acceptance report. (Month 11) The final version will be presented at the third PBM (Month 12).
The multilingual manual and guidelines will be ready at month 11 to integrate in the renewed Daguerreobase. Content providers can start editing starting month 13. eDAVID will continue with a long term evaluation of the web services, resulting in a Web services and functionality report. (Month 18)
eDAVID will be involved in the improvement of the database structure and the development of services. The database structure must provide the necessary elements to guarantee sustainability overtime. Together with a good documentation of the data model and the information architecture, these elements are important building blocks for the development of a preservation strategy for the database. The information model of the OAIS-standard will function as framework. eDAVID will also contribute in the acceptance testing of the improved database and the web services.
- D4.1 Road map (Month 3).
- D4.2 Renewed Daguerreobase portal, first concept (Month 6), release 1 (Month 8), release 2 (Month 10), final version (Month 12)
- D4.3 Reports of the acceptance testing of Daguerreobase (Month 9 and Month 11)
- D4.4 Multilingual online user manuals and guidelines (Month 10)
- D4.5 Web services and functionality report (Month 18)
WP5: Content aggregation and aligning with Europeana
Activities described in WP5 has to result in an increased number of high quality descriptions of daguerreotypes and related objects in the Daguerreobase platform and the Europeana portal.
The Daguerreobase platform will bring together the technical infrastructure and technical expertise and knowledge on daguerreotypes, to exchange and interoperate within the Europeana platform.
Realising the objectives is depending on the outcomes of:
- WP 2 Awareness raising, dissemination and networking activities. WP 3 Best practice and standards descriptions.
- WP 4 Renewed Daguerreobase and service delivery
- Close liaison with WP6 Project performance and project evaluation. 
Description of work
WP5 is responsible for the actual ingestion of the Daguerreobase portal that will serve as an aggregator for containing a selection of historical relevant, multilingual and high quality content on daguerreotypes, delivered by all content providers.
The WP leader will develop an ingestion plan for content providing. Each content provider has to deliver a detailed time schedule to the WP leader at the beginning of the project. The WP leader will send a Template of the time schedule form to the content providers. The ingestion plan for content providing has to be approved by the Board Management Team.
Aligning with Europeana
This task follows the development of the Europeana Semantic Elements Schema and participates in the Europeana Community for sharing practices. It will exploit the opportunities for full alignment, compatibility and integrated services between the Daguerreobase and Europeana. The technology partner PIM is a prominent participant in the Hackathons organized by Europeana to ensure a smooth alignment between different platforms. The expertise in the Europeana Community in areas of semantic interoperability, multilingualism and multiculturalism is a valuable source which can and will be used to enrich the usability of the Daguerreobase.
Specification of the common metadata structure.
Inventory will be made of the metadata standards and schemas applied locally by the participants and the local practices for producing derivatives (thumbnails, low res scans, video leaders, etc.) and the use of unique identifiers for referential integrity. This task will then specify a common metadata structure needed to assure interoperability with the Daguerreobase or full-interoperability with Europeana.
- Specification of the overall metadata framework;
- Agreed support of existing and new developed standards and community standards for metadata and content representation;
- Agreed common format for cross-searching ensuring optimal harmonisation en enrichment of the metadata at the semantic level, agreeing on:
- metadata encoding schemes (date, coverage, name authorities, etc.) that will be applied locally and by the use of semi-automatic data management tools;
- recording of the metadata in other languages and the use of transcriptions. 
- D5.1 Ingestion plan for content providing (Month 3)
- D5.2 Collection management set up (Month 6)
- D5.3 API (Month 8)
- D5.4 Linked Open Data integration (Month 9) D5.5 Linking Europeana Collection (Month 10) D5.6 Data Import (Month 11)
WP5: Project performance and evaluation
The activities described in WP6 has to result in the development of an adequate performance monitoring and measurement system that will inform the Project Management Board and the project coordinator about the project‟s achievements, in terms of success and performance indicators. The results of the measurement system will help the PMB in the decision making and will ensure the successful completion of the project.
Description of work
This WP is responsible for the project performance measuring and the project evaluation. Project performance measuring will be based on a self developed measurement system. The project evaluation will be executed by an external evaluator that will be subcontracted.
The indicators described in section „B3.4. Indicators‟ and „Table 3.7. Indicators‟ will be the base to establish an instrument for the monitoring and measurement of the project progress. This instrument has to specify how and what values that will collected and managed and how values will be collected. The results of the performance measuring and project progress will be reported on a regular base (6 monthly) to the PBM and the project coordinator. The results will be integrated in the reports to the Commission.
WP6 leader will develop, in close liaison with WP5 leader, a success monitoring device. Final values will be presented at the first BP Workshop and has to be proved by the PBM. (Month 3)
Next values can be considered being part of the success monitoring device:
- Other (new) content providers? Private and institutional;
- Adoption of best practice results (partners and external, new content providers) - Structure and functionality of the renewed Daguerreobase
- Content providing into Daguerreobase – quality and quantity
- Content aligning with Europeana; content provide --- Europeana (general descriptive metadata (API)) and interoperability Daguerreobase --- Europeana – quality and quantity
- Usage of content – (Daguerreobase, institutional websites, Europeana)
The WP leader will produce project performance reports every 6 months, starting from month 6. There will be input required from all partners and in close liaison with WP3, 4 and 5.
WP5: Project performance and evaluation
The activities described in WP6 has to result in the development of an adequate performance monitoring and measurement system that will inform the Project Management Board and the project coordinator about the project‟s achievements, in terms of success and performance indicators. The results of the measurement system will help the PMB in the decision making and will ensure the successful completion of the project.
Description of work
This WP is responsible for the project performance measuring and the project evaluation. Project performance measuring will be based on a self developed measurement system. The project evaluation will be executed by an external evaluator that will be subcontracted.
The indicators described in section „B3.4. Indicators‟ and „Table 3.7. Indicators‟ will be the base to establish an instrument for the monitoring and measurement of the project progress. This instrument has to specify how and what values that will collected and managed and how values will be collected. The results of the performance measuring and project progress will be reported on a regular base (6 monthly) to the PBM and the project coordinator. The results will be integrated in the reports to the Commission.
WP6 leader will develop, in close liaison with WP5 leader, a success monitoring device. Final values will be presented at the first BP Workshop and has to be proved by the PBM. (Month 3)
Next values can be considered being part of the success monitoring device:
- Other (new) content providers? Private and institutional;
- Adoption of best practice results (partners and external, new content providers)
- Structure and functionality of the renewed Daguerreobase
- Content providing into Daguerreobase – quality and quantity
- Content aligning with Europeana; content provide --- Europeana (general descriptive metadata (API)) and interoperability Daguerreobase --- Europeana – quality and quantity
- Usage of content – (Daguerreobase, institutional websites, Europeana)
The WP leader will produce project performance reports every 6 months, starting from month 6.
There will be input required from all partners and in close liaison with WP3, 4 and 5.
- D6.1Performance monitoring and measurement system/device, agreed in BPM. (Month 4)
- D6.2 Regularly project performance and progress reports, 6 Monthly, starting month 6. (Month 6, 12, 18, 24, 30)
WP7: Long term sustainability and IPR Issues
WP7 includes the tasks to ensure the long term sustainability of the project after the completion of the project. All rights of the content brought in by the content providers has to be cleared for online use, during and after the project runtime, the WP7 will generate the Daguerreobase user requirements including IPR issues.
Description of work
The WP leader will develop a strategy that will be discussed at the second PBM meeting (Month 3). A first draft of a long term sustainability plan will presented at the third PBM meeting (Month 6). The final version of this plan will be presented at the fourth PBM meeting (Month 12).
Steering committee.
All partners will undersign the founding of a European Daguerreotype Association. A steering committee, that will be defined by the PMB, will assure this task by preparing the necessary paperwork and investigate the legal aspects. The EDA will be established by month 20 or at least before the end of the project runtime.
A second task of the Steering committee is to develop a business model for the Daguerreobase. This business model will describes the vision of the demand-supply chain and the organization in which the project implementation will be deployed. It will the basis for the business plan which outlines the organisation, the process, roles and responsibilities, the costs and finance model. The model also includes information on the success factors and performance indicators (WP6) and financial forecasts for the exploitation stage (after the project duration).
In terms of ownership of the Daguerreobase aggregator, the rights for the use of the software and results of it will be cleared with the repository developer and be part of the Project Agreement. The Daguerreobase developer has no rights on the deposited content.
IPR Guidelines
All contributed content should been cleared in terms of copyright. The relevant license agreements for content providers, as composed and circulated by Europeana, will be applied in Daguerreobase. Software applications developed by the Daguerreobase project will follow open source licensing schemes. The work package leader of WP7 will collect the necessary information and results from the best practice workshops and content providers to generate the Daguerreobase best practice IPR guidelines. This requirements and guidelines will be presented at the third PBM meeting. (Month 6)
- D7.1 Long Term Sustainability Plan, strategy, draft and final version (Month 3, 6 and 12)
- D7.2 Registration of the European Daguerreotype Association (Month 20)
- D7.3 General user requirements document, including IPR guidelines (Month 6)
- D7.4 Daguerreobase Business Model (Month 6)
- D7.5 Daguerreobase Business Plan (Month 8)