Work Packages - WP7: Long term sustainability and IPR Issues
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- WP7: Long term sustainability and IPR Issues
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WP7: Long term sustainability and IPR Issues
WP7 includes the tasks to ensure the long term sustainability of the project after the completion of the project. All rights of the content brought in by the content providers has to be cleared for online use, during and after the project runtime, the WP7 will generate the Daguerreobase user requirements including IPR issues.
Description of work
The WP leader will develop a strategy that will be discussed at the second PBM meeting (Month 3). A first draft of a long term sustainability plan will presented at the third PBM meeting (Month 6). The final version of this plan will be presented at the fourth PBM meeting (Month 12).
Steering committee.
All partners will undersign the founding of a European Daguerreotype Association. A steering committee, that will be defined by the PMB, will assure this task by preparing the necessary paperwork and investigate the legal aspects. The EDA will be established by month 20 or at least before the end of the project runtime.
A second task of the Steering committee is to develop a business model for the Daguerreobase. This business model will describes the vision of the demand-supply chain and the organization in which the project implementation will be deployed. It will the basis for the business plan which outlines the organisation, the process, roles and responsibilities, the costs and finance model. The model also includes information on the success factors and performance indicators (WP6) and financial forecasts for the exploitation stage (after the project duration).
In terms of ownership of the Daguerreobase aggregator, the rights for the use of the software and results of it will be cleared with the repository developer and be part of the Project Agreement. The Daguerreobase developer has no rights on the deposited content.
IPR Guidelines
All contributed content should been cleared in terms of copyright. The relevant license agreements for content providers, as composed and circulated by Europeana, will be applied in Daguerreobase. Software applications developed by the Daguerreobase project will follow open source licensing schemes. The work package leader of WP7 will collect the necessary information and results from the best practice workshops and content providers to generate the Daguerreobase best practice IPR guidelines. This requirements and guidelines will be presented at the third PBM meeting. (Month 6)
- D7.1 Long Term Sustainability Plan, strategy, draft and final version (Month 3, 6 and 12)
- D7.2 Registration of the European Daguerreotype Association (Month 20)
- D7.3 General user requirements document, including IPR guidelines (Month 6)
- D7.4 Daguerreobase Business Model (Month 6)
- D7.5 Daguerreobase Business Plan (Month 8)