Work Packages - WP5: Content aggregation and aligning with Europeana
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- WP1: Project management
- WP2: Awareness, dissemination and networking activities
- WP3: Best practice and standards description
- WP4: Renewed Daguerreobase and service delivery
- WP5: Content aggregation and aligning with Europeana
- WP6: Project performance and evaluation
- WP6: Project performance and evaluation
- WP7: Long term sustainability and IPR Issues
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WP5: Content aggregation and aligning with Europeana
Activities described in WP5 has to result in an increased number of high quality descriptions of daguerreotypes and related objects in the Daguerreobase platform and the Europeana portal.
The Daguerreobase platform will bring together the technical infrastructure and technical expertise and knowledge on daguerreotypes, to exchange and interoperate within the Europeana platform.
Realising the objectives is depending on the outcomes of:
- WP 2 Awareness raising, dissemination and networking activities. WP 3 Best practice and standards descriptions.
- WP 4 Renewed Daguerreobase and service delivery
- Close liaison with WP6 Project performance and project evaluation. 
Description of work
WP5 is responsible for the actual ingestion of the Daguerreobase portal that will serve as an aggregator for containing a selection of historical relevant, multilingual and high quality content on daguerreotypes, delivered by all content providers.
The WP leader will develop an ingestion plan for content providing. Each content provider has to deliver a detailed time schedule to the WP leader at the beginning of the project. The WP leader will send a Template of the time schedule form to the content providers. The ingestion plan for content providing has to be approved by the Board Management Team.
Aligning with Europeana
This task follows the development of the Europeana Semantic Elements Schema and participates in the Europeana Community for sharing practices. It will exploit the opportunities for full alignment, compatibility and integrated services between the Daguerreobase and Europeana. The technology partner PIM is a prominent participant in the Hackathons organized by Europeana to ensure a smooth alignment between different platforms. The expertise in the Europeana Community in areas of semantic interoperability, multilingualism and multiculturalism is a valuable source which can and will be used to enrich the usability of the Daguerreobase.
Specification of the common metadata structure.
Inventory will be made of the metadata standards and schemas applied locally by the participants and the local practices for producing derivatives (thumbnails, low res scans, video leaders, etc.) and the use of unique identifiers for referential integrity. This task will then specify a common metadata structure needed to assure interoperability with the Daguerreobase or full-interoperability with Europeana.
- Specification of the overall metadata framework;
- Agreed support of existing and new developed standards and community standards for metadata and content representation;
- Agreed common format for cross-searching ensuring optimal harmonisation en enrichment of the metadata at the semantic level, agreeing on:
- metadata encoding schemes (date, coverage, name authorities, etc.) that will be applied locally and by the use of semi-automatic data management tools;
- recording of the metadata in other languages and the use of transcriptions. 
- D5.1 Ingestion plan for content providing (Month 3)
- D5.2 Collection management set up (Month 6)
- D5.3 API (Month 8)
- D5.4 Linked Open Data integration (Month 9) D5.5 Linking Europeana Collection (Month 10) D5.6 Data Import (Month 11)