Work Packages - WP1: Project management
Article Index
- Work Packages
- WP1: Project management
- WP2: Awareness, dissemination and networking activities
- WP3: Best practice and standards description
- WP4: Renewed Daguerreobase and service delivery
- WP5: Content aggregation and aligning with Europeana
- WP6: Project performance and evaluation
- WP6: Project performance and evaluation
- WP7: Long term sustainability and IPR Issues
- All Pages
WP1: Project management
- WP1includes the general management en coordination tasks to realise the project. The aim of this work package is to:
- Manage the project in an efficient way, and facilitate the coordination between the work package leaders and all consortium partners;
- Evaluate the project progress in respect to the defined project objectives, budget, resources and time;
- Maintain and manage administrative and financial aspects of the project in accordance with the requirements of the grant agreement between the Commission and the project consortium;
- Promote activities and exchange information between the members of the consortium;
- Coordinate the project activities with other projects on national and international level.
Description of work
The administrative management tasks of the project activities are described in section „B3.2c. Project management‟, and will be executed in respect to good management methods and procedures. To ensure good management, the Work Package leader will produce a detailed project quality plan by the end of the third month. The different tasks in this work package are described as administrative tasks. Administrative tasks include: the production and acceptance of the Consortium Agreement by all partners; the keeping of records, financial accounts and distribution of financial contributions; the production of periodic progress reports and the preparation of EC project reviews.
The project coordinator is also the Chairman of the Board Management Team and will represent the consortium in all communication to and with the EC. At the start of the project, there will be a PMB meeting at month 1 (kick-off), month 3 (workshop Paris), and month 6. From then on, the PMB will meet every 6 months.
- D1.1 Project Quality Plan. This plan determines the project communication and organisation strategies. It will describe the decision-making processes and the communication with the consortium partners. The plan will also define actions to be taken to minimise the risk and problems. (Month 3)
- D1.2 First Periodic Project Progress Report. The first biannual progress report. (Month 6)
- D1.3 Annual Project Report, including financial statement. This annual project report will describe a summary of the realised activities described in the work packages and include a financial statement of the past period. (Month 12)
- D1.4 Second Project Progress Report. The second biannual progress report. (Month 18)
- D1.5 Second Annual Project Report, including financial statement . (Month 24)
- D1.6 Final Project Report. This final project report will document the realised objectives and the implementation of them. It will also show the results of the impact and describe the strategies of future actions to ensure the long term sustainability. (Month 30)
- D1.7 Final Financial Project Report. The financial report will document all expenses in relation to the realised project objectives on partner level and during the entire project run-time. (Month 30)